There are encounters that count more than others, mine with the earth is one of them. At the start, I had to tame the material, I trained in contact with other potters and over time in the privacy of my workshop. Under my hands, the clay gradually let itself be tamed. It is through an ancestral technique, the “Raku” that I shaped my dreams.
The surprises from the thermal shock have kept me evolving. My path was then exhibitions, art fairs …
So there you have it, there are precious meetings, rich meetings and … creative meetings.

Le Raku
Raku” is a particular Japanese technique that I use. It is based on a second rapid cooking followed by a thermal shock obtained by depositing the pieces in a bath of wood chips. The pieces ignite and the molten enamel takes on a cracked appearance.
The “RAKU” which means happiness in chance.